MLS Turmoil Continues - Northwest MLS get rids of
The MLS turmoil continues. Big brokers exert pressure on MLS' to limit dissemination of listings. Here are excerpts from
"Broker members of Northwest MLS, a regional broker-owned MLS operating in western and central Washington, will soon be on their own in submitting property information for display on popular home-search site The Northwest MLS board has voted to discontinue the practice of sending a compilation of member-provided property information for display on that site, which consistently ranks among the most-visited real estate Web sites.
While MLSs are in some cases facing pressure to shift more decisions to brokerages, that is not necessarily good for consumers, Kelman said. "We're seeing real estate become more and more like fiefdoms again," adding that decisions that fragment the total inventory listings can make property searches more cumbersome for consumers."

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